“Alright, people. I’m supposed to help Grandma with a sewing project today, and I cannot find the power cord to the sewing machine anywhere. I’ve been looking for days. Please help!”
Immediately, my older children begin discussing where it could have gone and scattered to search. One minute later, I looked up to see our 14-year-old pull the correct cord out of a random desk drawer full of elementary school papers.
“Wahoo! Nicely done!”
Quietly, she placed the cord on the kitchen counter and said thoughtfully, “All I have to say is that it wasn’t ME who found it. Today I prayed to see the Lord’s hand in my life.”
A couple hours later, a friend that we haven’t seen in ages sent the following message: Said prayers today. The name of your daughter popped in my head. I only know two people with that name. Checked on one already, and she was good. Tell your daughter to have a good day.
Little did he know of our daughter’s prayer even as he was part of the answer to it.
Our church put on a women’s Christmas social last night. Right now, there are consecutive days when I only leave my house to carry dirty diapers to the dumpster. I’ve been craving human interaction!
But as the day transpired, my nose started running. Then my throat become croaky, and my sinuses began to ache. Fevers and chills took their toll. By four in the afternoon, I was immobilized on the couch while the world swirled around me. The baby had developed a croupy cough. No Christmas Social for us.
Around 8:30 that night, I was rocking the baby to sleep in a quiet house when we heard a knock on the door. Two ladies who live 15 minutes away drove clear across town to deliver a Christmas Social treat and ten minutes of conversation for no reason other than, “We missed you.” I felt so loved.
This morning as I read Moroni’s questions in chapter 7, they were a little more real to me:
“…has the day of miracles ceased?
36 Or have angels ceased to appear unto the children of men? Or has he withheld the power of the Holy Ghost from them? Or will he, so long as time shall last, or the earth shall stand, or there shall be one man upon the face thereof to be saved?
37 Behold I say unto you, Nay; for it is by faith that miracles are wrought; and it is by faith that angels appear and minister unto men;”1
How thankful I am for human angels, inspired people who recognize and follow promptings from the Holy Ghost to bless lives and lift the “hands which hang down”.2 Miracles have not ceased. God continues to do his work, one person at a time.