
Suzanne Burnett
2 min readJul 6, 2023


“Sooooo…..what’s the plan for lunch?”

This is not what I wanted to hear.

Having just plopped myself on the couch after the rush of morning tasks, I was hoping for a few minutes of reprieve before facing the next meal prep. Our eleven-year-old blinked hopefully at me as he waited for a response, and this response was of utmost importance to him.

For you see, he was STARVING.

Perhaps you have noticed that around eleven and twelve-years-old, children start eating everything in sight. At our house, most of them “pad up” a bit till you wonder if they need an exercise program. And then the growing takes off, sucking all “pad” off every ounce of their super-hungry bodies as they set off to reach the full potential height of their genetic map.

Later, I dropped a child off at an activity and swung by the store. Stepping out of the vehicle, my phone began to vibrate.

“Hello?” I spoke into the receiver.

“Hi, Mom!”

It’s the eleven-year-old.

“Yes, Son? Can I help you?”

“Well, I’m just wondering what’s for dinner and if I can help.”

Holy Rats! I’ve only been gone ten minutes!

“Don’t worry. I’m picking up food for dinner. Should be home in thirty minutes.”

“Oh, good. Thanks, Mom.”

What if we sought after spiritual food like starving pre-teens, padding up our spirits before the next soul-stretching experience? What if we sought after the Bread of Life and His Living Water as if the existance of our souls depended on it?

Because it does.



Suzanne Burnett

Mother of twelve children and member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints shares spiritual insights learned through parenting and marriage.